Sunday February 02, 2025 |
Contrary to what is already common today in academia and elsewhere, Ingaramo is not using the autobiographical narrations or materials to construct some sort of fiction –methodology that is in reality an extension of the classical intentio operis perspective. Ingaramo works around the notion of reality, documentation, proof and construction of a subjectivity. From our point of view what is interesting on Ingaramo’s writings is the way in which biographical and/or autobiographical works are manipulated to generate a sense of reality, a set of documentation and a constructed past but without hiding the fact that it is happening. And this late situation is what makes the difference, less the fact of the construction of the past and subjectivity than the reality assumed as construction that can be established from the writing. And, even more, what is interesting is also the fact that this situation should be translated to a sociological and speculative domain, that is, that more than literature and/or narration what is of interest in Ingaramo’s work is the notion of writing.
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