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Thursday March 06, 2025 |
Academic articles are epistemologically controled by publishing corporations of by University's corporate procedures. It is only in the interstices, within ocassional confussions and misunderstandings that original ideas emerge. It is not the norme but the exception. The following list is a selection of academic articles covering the period 1995 to 2007.
‘Migration and radical constructivist epistemology’, in Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, volume 3, number 2, pp. 181–200, 2012. ‘Para una fisiología de las condiciones del especular. Posthumanismo, pensamiento e historiografía europea en la periferia’, in Pensamiento de los Confines, University of Buenos Aires, número 27, marzo 2011, pp. 136-156 (28.8 cm x 15.0 cm). (Co-authored with Luis Rebaza-Soraluz and William Rowe) ‘Introduccción’, in Latin American Studies in the UK - Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Glasgow), volume LXXXIV, Numbers 4-5, pp. 441-445 (17.4 cm x 24.8 cm, ISSN 1475-3820). ‘Ciencia y tecnología en El Eternauta’ in Revista Iberoamericana, University of Pittsburgh, volumen 73, number 221, Oct-Dec 2007, 871-886 (15.2 cm x 23.0 cm, ISSN 0034-9631). ‘Arte y desencanto en Elias Ingaramo’ in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Liverpool, volume 84, number 3, pp. 335-346, 2007 (17.4 cm x 24.8 cm, ISSN 1475-3820). ‘La finalidad literaria’ in Pensamiento de los Confines, University of Buenos Aires/Fondo de Cultura Económica, número 19, diciembre 2006, pp. 112-118 (28.8 cm x 15.0 cm). ‘De poiesis sive poetica. Notas para una fisiología del lenguaje’ in Aleph. Revista de literatura hispanoamericana, Université de Liège/Catholique de Louvain, número 20, enero de 2006, pp. 81-104 (20.5 cm x 14.3 cm). ‘Un mundo modernista para la cultura rioplatense’ in Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Glasgow), volume LXXIX, numbers 2-3, March-May 2002, pp. 193-209 (17.4 cm x 24.8 cm, ISSN 1475-3820). ‘El mapa borgeano y sus alrededores’ in INTI. Revista Literaria Hispánica, Providence, Brown University, number 48, 1998, pp. 3-18 (22.8 cm x 15.1 cm, ISSN 0732-6750). (Co-authored with Luis Rebaza-Soraluz) ‘Bibliography of Jorge Eduardo Eielson’ in For Diffusion/Difusión, London: Centre for Latin American Cultural Studies/King’s College London, October 1997, 24 pp. (29.7 cm x 21.0 cm, ISSN 1460-2016). ‘Tropos y tropicalización en la obra de Reinaldo Arenas’ in For Diffusion/Difusión, London: Centre for Latin American Cultural Studies/King’s College London, September 1997, 41 pp. (29.7 cm x 21.0 cm, ISSN 1460-2016). ‘Fabulaciones y (con)fabulaciones literarias’ in INTI. Revista Literaria Hispánica, Providence, Brown University, number 45, 1997, pp. 197-209 (22.8 cm x 15.1 cm, ISSN 0732-6750). ‘Juan José Saer interviewed’ in Travesia. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, [London], volume 4, number 1, June 1995 (24.9 cm x 17.6 cm, ISSN 0965-8343).
Related issuesJournals working on peripheral issuesJournal Pensamiento de los Confines (University of Buenos Aires). Nepantla: Views from South (Duke University Press). Revista Redes (University of Quilmes). Although the journal pursues a pro-Western approach within its interstices, Redes Revista de estudios sociales de la ciencia is an interesting academic project about science in Latin America. See Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IEC).
From paper to databasesAcademic articles within humanities have radically change due not only to publishing issues (circulation, concentration, etc.) but due to the way academia modified in recent years the use of sources and support material, that is, to the introduction of databases as main academic tools of writing. All academic articles within humanities and/or social sciences are determined nowadays by both situations and we cannot write any article without considering these two situations right from the beginning of the project and/or set of ideas. This is the real epistemological starting point. Those authors ignoring this situation work within the database and classify information but do not deal with new and/or innovative ideas.
Peripheral PublicationsWithin peripheral areas the academic publications do not have the symbolic and financial consolidation they have within colonial central areas. The consequence of this situation is that many issues, subjects and arguments, have a level of exposure to sociology, political and methodological aspects normally unknown to those publications that are considered as ‘leaders’ within the colonial centres.
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