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Thursday March 06, 2025 |
Within the academic context it often happens that articles are published in antologies where the reasons or argument of the whole ensemble is not obvious or clear. 'Chapters in books' is a pure academic and commercial phenomena that needs to be understood within the ideas of the particular author and not under the heading of the antology considered. The following list is a selection that covers the period between 1996 to 2010.
‘Film and Migration in Latin America’, in Immanuel Ness, ed. Encyclopaedia of Global Human Migration, London: Wiley Blackwell, 2013. (ISBN: 978-1-4443-3489-0) ‘El pensamiento del ojo’, in Israel Sanmartín Barros/Patricia Calvo González/Eduardo Rey Tristán, eds., Historia(s), imagen(es) y lenguaje(s) en América Latina y Europa, Santiago: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2012, pp. 125-141. (ISBN 978-84-9887-870-7) (with André-Jean Arnaud, Érika Patino Cardoso, Marco Aurélio Serau Junior, Ricardo Rollo Duarte) 'Frontières', in André-Jean Arnaud (ed.), Dictionnaire de la globalisation, Paris: L.G.D.J., 2010, pp. 226-228. (25 cm x 17 cm, ISBN 978-2-275-033631). (with Guilherme Figueiredo Leite Gonçalves, Márcio Alves Fonseca) 'Gouvernabilité', in André-Jean Arnaud (ed.), Dictionnaire de la globalisation, Paris: L.G.D.J., 2010, pp. 263-265. (25 cm x 17 cm, ISBN 978-2-275-033631). (with Guilherme Figueiredo Leite Gonçalves, Márcio Alves Fonseca, Orlando Villas Bôas Filho) 'Pouvoir', in André-Jean Arnaud (ed.), Dictionnaire de la globalisation, Paris: L.G.D.J., 2010, pp. 415-419. (25 cm x 17 cm, ISBN 978-2-275-033631). ‘La ciencia escrita como filosofía en el siglo XX: el ensayo popperiano y el companion kuhniano’ in Carlos Barral (ed.): Historia a Debate, Santiago de Compostela: Historia Debate/Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2009, volume I, pp. 191-198. (15.5 cm x 18.0 cm, ISBN 84-931576-2-7). ‘Geo-Epistemología’ in Hugo E. Biagini/Arturo Roig (dirs.), Diccionario de pensamiento alternativo II, available at www.cecies.org. Project of ‘Pensamiento Latinoamericano Alternativo’, based at the University of Lanús, Argentina. ‘Science and Empire. The Geo-epistemic Location of Knowledge’ in P. Lorenzano, H-J Rheinberger, E. Ortiz and C. Galles, eds., History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Oxford: Unesco/EOLSS Publishers, 2008. Available at ww.eolss.net. ‘La consumación del realismo’ in G. Fabry/C. Canaparo (eds.), El enigma de lo real, Bern: Peter Lang, 2007 pp. 199-275. (22.4 cm x 14.8 cm, ISBN 978-3-03910-893-0). ‘Las Memorias de Elias Ingaramo o la literatura del porvenir’ in F. Moreno/Sylvie Josserand, and F. Collla, eds., Fronteras de la literatura y de la crítica, Poitiers: CRLA/Archivos, 2006. (ISBN 2-910050-27-0). ‘The <Nature effect> in Latin American Science Publications’ in E. Ortiz/E. Fishburn (eds.): Science and the Creative Imagination in Latin America, London: Institute for the Study of the Americas, 2005, pp. 97-118. (23.0 cm x 15.3 cm, ISBN 1 900039 61 3). ‘Marconi and other Artifices: Long-range Technology and the Conquest of the Desert’ in J. Andermann/W. Rowe (eds.), Images of Power. Iconography Culture and the State in Latin America, Toronto: Berghahn Books, 2005, pp. 241-254. (23.5 cm x 15.7 cm, ISBN 1-57181-533-3). ‘Medir, trazar, ver. Arte cartográfico y pensamiento en Jorge Eduardo Eielson’ in José Ignacio Padilla (ed.), Nu/do. Homenaje a J. E. Eielson, Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2002, pp. 289-314. (24.0 cm x 24.0 cm, ISBN 9972-42-509-6). ‘De bibliographica ratio’ in W. Rowe et al. (editors): Jorge Luis Borges. Intervenciones sobre pensamiento y literatura, Barcelona/Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2000, pp. 199-247. (23.9 cm x 15.5 cm, ISBN 950-12-6515-3). ‘Autopsia, escritura y theory of knowing’ in Carlos Barral (ed.): Historia a Debate, Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2000, volume I, pp. 401-408. (15.5 cm x 18.0 cm, ISBN 84-931576-0-0). There is a English version in C. Barros/J. McCrank (eds.), History Under Debate: International Reflection on the Discipline, Illinois: Chicago State University (ISBN 0-7890-2688-0). ‘Elias Ingaramo: un escritor caído del mapa’ in Joaquín Manzi (coord.): Locos, excéntricos y marginales en las literaturas latinoamericanas, Poitiers: CRLA-Archivos, 1999, volume II, pp. 589-607 (24.0 cm x 15.9 cm, ISBN 2-910050-06-8). ‘La ficción del presente’ in Julio Ortega (ed): Guía del nuevo siglo, San Juan de Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1998, pp. 323-326. Also in Siempre, Supl. ‘México en la cultura’, [México], año XLVI, número 2429, January 2000, pp. 2-3. Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1997, 926 pp. (28.6 cm x 21.8 cm, ISBN I-884964-18-4). Articles on: (1)‘GELMAN, Juan (1930- )’; (2)‘Juan Gelman: el juego en que andamos’; (3)‘CAMBACERES, Eugenio (1843-1888)’; (4)‘ORTIZ, Juan Laurentino (1896-1978)’; (5)‘SORIANO, Osvaldo (1943- )’; (6)‘El juguete rabioso en las Aguafuertes porteñas’; (7)‘El astillero’; (8)‘IBARGUENGOITIA, Jorge (1928-1983)’; (9)‘YAÑEZ, Agustín (1904-1980)’. ‘The Economy of Space in the Short Stories of Horacio Quiroga’ in W. H. Hunter (ed.): The Short Story: Structure and Statement, Exeter: Elm Bank Publications, 1996, pp. 71-85. (23.3 cm x 15.0 cm, ISBN 0-9502595-2-7). Also an unpublished version in Spanish (PDF format).
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